Programming for Life Science or Chemistry scientists
Programming LanguagesJavaScript, R, Python, Java, Delphi
Markup LanguagesHTML, CSS, LaTex, R Markdown
Structured query languageMySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite
Programming courses
Those who want to acquire an interesting and profitable profession can take the path we suggest - choose specialized programming courses. Basic programming courses can become a springboard to your future career or simply help you in your current profession. Some people want to program, but without even trying to learn, they get the wrong idea that they won't be able to do it. It's not true, as they say: saints don't mold pots! Simply, in order to become a programmer, it is recommended to first equip yourself with patience and perseverance. It is important to remember that all programming languages share the same universal core programming ideas. Therefore, most of the beginner courses offer to learn the most popular programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, R, Java, Pascal, LaTex, or to get acquainted with several at once. We suggest choosing the language of your interest, in which we will learn how to make scientific data tables and chemical images, and choose HTML/CSS, LaTex or R Markdown in addition to write the text and design everything together as scientific article. Just choose what you want and fill the form. We will contact you with futher details.